Motorbike Tour

Great adventure so far

Two days have passed since my last post. I’ve done around 100km Offroad. On the first day Colle del Colombardo and Colle delle Finestre. Then I slept at the small Camping ground just at the entrance for the Strada Assietta. Today I drove the Assietta streat which crosses several passes and is nearly 50km long. And because I woke up early the steat was empty in the early hours. I finished the road before midday and thougth I have time for the next Adventure and Drove to the Lago Nero. The older described roundtour seams no longer possible, because there is a driving ban just above the Lake. The last part uf the uphill path was so steap and troublesome, my Tiger had to go to sleep two times.

After that I drove the same way down again and searched an other way over the mountens to the next valley.

Im now in Risoul, France in a small Hotel, ready for the next day to come.


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