
  • Motorbike Tour

    West Alpes 2022 Tour Videos

    I finally took the time to cut all the video material I have taken during my tour this summer. It was a tremendous amount of video material. So I split it apart and made one video per day. All just short of 15 minutes. Day 1 – Colle del Colombardo / Colle de le Finestre Day 2 – Assietta Road / Lago Nero Day 3 – Col de Valbelle / Col de Parpaillon Day 4 – Maria-Stura Ridge Road Day 5 – Alta via del Sale / Nord + South

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  • Motorbike Tour

    Last day

    The adventurous journey  omes to an end. Today Istarted reay early and was on top of the Tende pass at sunrise. There I visited the Frort Central before the Alta Via del Sale Track opened at 8:00. I was the first on the gate and could start after a few minutes waiting because I was early. The Northern part of the track has stunning landscapes. The number of vehcles per day is limmited and you have to pay a entry fee. The southern track is free but also in not a suck great shape. I found driving there a lot more challenging. Also the landscape is not that stunning but…

  • Motorbike Tour

    The fourth day

    Col de Valbelle Very nice and relaxing. First part is mainly in the Ski area of Risoul. The view is great up there. Later it goes on in steep forests. Col de Parpaillon The highlight of the day. Quite demanding track. It gets realy rock as soon as you leave the Forest area. I think the Northern part is easier then the part on the south side. The tunnel is Fantasic. In the middle section it is bare rock. The ground is over longer parts verry wet, muddy and quite slippery.

  • Motorbike Tour

    Great adventure so far

    Two days have passed since my last post. I’ve done around 100km Offroad. On the first day Colle del Colombardo and Colle delle Finestre. Then I slept at the small Camping ground just at the entrance for the Strada Assietta. Today I drove the Assietta streat which crosses several passes and is nearly 50km long. And because I woke up early the steat was empty in the early hours. I finished the road before midday and thougth I have time for the next Adventure and Drove to the Lago Nero. The older described roundtour seams no longer possible, because there is a driving ban just above the Lake. The last…

  • Motorbike

    New Tyres

    Last weekend I mounted new tyres on my Bike, the first time on my own, without any mounting machine. It was more difficult that I anticipated but after a few hours I managed it. Taking off and on the wheels was no big issue. A bit special is the rear break on the Tiger 900. It is not mounted with screws as on other bikes but is held in place by the axle and a slot in the back swing arm, which makes is a bit difficult to get the wheel back on. You definitely want to take our the break pads before that. I found out that tying them…

  • Motorbike Tour

    Summer Tour 2022 – Westalpes

    I plan to go to the West Alps (Border between Italy and France). All without Highways and when there as much as I can off of the main roads, on gravel and dirt. Starting at home passing Switzerland trough the central Switzerland, passing Lake Thun and crossing to Italy over the Great St Bernard Pass. Trough the Aosta Valley traversing north of Turin towards the West Alps where the offroad region starts. The travel from there is to a great extend away from main roads ending on the meridian sea near Sanremo.

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